...where all systems grow!

There are numerous grants and sources of funding that can be accessed to help make your project more affordable.
The Community Foundation for Northern Ireland "connects people that care with causes that matter". It manages grant-making programmes for various organisations (including Comic Relief, Big Lottery), as well as distributing its own grants.
You can learn more about what the Foundation does, and apply for funding, at www.communityfoundationni.org, or scroll down this page to see examples of how grants and funding have supported horticultural and environmental projects in the community.
If you would like to carry out a gardening project in a school, have a look at this great website for some excellent ideas on funding options:
And below are just a very few examples of other sources of funding and grants that are available - there are many, many more! We would be very happy to work with you to complete an application for funding to help get your project going.
The Acorn Fund (www.communityfoundationni.org/acorn-fund)
This Fund aims to address deep-rooted social and economic imbalances, experienced by local communities emerging from generations of conflict. Funding priorities include projects that:
support children and young people to explore and use creativity to improve communication and develop entrepreneurship;
address issues surrounding access for disabled and socially excluded people; and
address rural isolation and inclusion
B&Q's community re-use scheme (www.diy.com/corporate/community/waste-donation)
This scheme donates unsellable products and materials for re-use by local schools, other educational institutions and community groups, for the benefit of the local community and the environment. Eligible groups include:
schools and colleges, playgroups and nurseries
allotment associations, community gardening projects
youth groups including scouts, guides and cadets
registered charities
conservation groups including The Conservation Volunteers and Forest Schools
community projects organised by local churches and other religious groups
Women's Institute, Lions Clubs, Rotary, Townswomen Guilds
Royal British Legion
adult education projects, University of the Third Age
Landfill Communities Fund (www.biffa-award.org/main-grants-scheme)
The Biffa Award awards grants to projects that provide or improve biodiversity, community spaces, cultural facilities, and places for outdoor recreation. You may have a building that needs improvement in order to increase the range of services on offer to the local community. You could have a site-based project that is working to protect and enhance a species or habitat. Or maybe it’s an open space such as a park, play area or woodland that needs transforming to benefit local people of all ages. In a nutshell, this award seeks to ensure that everyone has access to high-quality local community facilities.
Please e-mail info@hartyculture.com or call 07590 355667 for any advice or assistance that we can offer.