...where all systems grow!

This initiative was set up in 1997 by the construction industry to improve its image. Construction sites, companies and suppliers who are registered with the Scheme are committed to complying with its Code of Considerate Practice. This includes:
caring about appearance, particularly since most construction work takes place in sensitive locations (Source: https://www.ccscheme.org.uk)
respecting the community (contributing to the local community and environment, and working to create a positive and enduring impression)
protecting the environment (identifying, managing and promoting environmental issues; seeking sustainable solutions and minimising waste, the carbon footprint and resources; protecting the ecology, the landscape, wildlife, vegetation and water courses)
HartyCulture can help constructors to comply with this Code by:
caring about appearance: we create growing environments for flowers, fresh food, sensory gardens, ecosystems and wildlife welfare around site and peripheries.
respecting the community: using HartyCulture's experience and expertise, your business can support the local environment by contributing to garden and wildlife projects in local schools, care homes and community initiatives.
protecting the environment: we minimise habitat disturbance with suitable creations such as bat pads, hedgehog hides, bird boxes, feeding stations and bug hotels around the edge of sites. We can assist in introducing rainwater harvesting systems and positive recycling by utilising surplus materials in all of what we do on site, making participation in the scheme both environmentally friendly and cost-effective.
Doing some or all of these things not only helps constructors, companies and suppliers to comply with the Considerate Constructors Scheme, but also:
minimises the impact of sites on the local environment;
contributes to corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes;
builds social value and potentially a positive lasting legacy; and
strengthens competitive advantage when tendering for public and private contracts.
Please call 07490 974421 for any advice or assistance that we can offer.